Drugs are very unpredictable, no drug will be exactly the same as another and different people will react to drugs differently. It is vitally important to know what to do and how to help a friend if they become ill from taking a drug. Some of the most extreme signs of somebody suffering from a drug illness include:
- Dangerously over heating/hot
- Very drowsy
- Terrifying Hallucinations
- Fits
When somebody you know suffers from a ‘bad pill or trip’ the adverse side effects can be terrifying for you, it is important to remain calm and do whatever is necessary to save them from a life threatening reaction.

Just remember not to panic and don’t be afraid to get help!
Calling an Ambulance EFFECTIVELY!
Many people think that phoning an ambulance is just about picking up the phone and dialing, to a degree this is true but there are additional factors to consider if you are to help your friend get the assistance he or she needs as quickly as possible.
- Make sure your friend is not left alone
- If somebody else calls the ambulance make sure they come back to confirm they have done so
- Make a note of the club or venue you are phoning from (and phone number if possible)
- Try to speak slowly and give the operator as many details about your friends illness as possible, don’t be afraid to say that your friend has taken drugs, it could save their life!
- Stay with your friend until the ambulance arrives and give them any information that might help

How to help a drug addict ?
- Do not panic or pity
- Offer sympathy and support
- Do not give cash to the addict
- Be honest about prejudices
- Do not judge morally
- Seek expert advice
- Do not cut off dialogue
- Assist with chosen treatment
- Do not influence treatment type
FRIENDSHIP IS ABOUT DOING WHAT’S BEST FOR THE OTHER! Sometimes, showing that you care is just the motivation your friend needs to go forward.
Signs can make you worry that your friend is a drug addict:
- Being evasive about whereabouts, activities and hiding secrets.
- Loss of interest in activities that used to be important.
- Withdrawal from responsibilities.
- Sudden change in friends, spending a lot of time without friends.
- Mood swings, unexplained anger and depression.
- Spending a lot of time alone.
- Being overly tired or hyperactive.
- Sharing very few of thoughts, feelings and problems.